Number of Lessons per week: 4
Course Outline:
Year 7 |
Year8 |
Christian Communities, Past & Present |
The Trinity |
Common Beginnings |
Rituals, Believers and Beliefs
Encountering Prayer |
The Prophet’s Message |
Belief and Believers |
God’s Saving Plan |
Belief, Life and Faith |
Through Words and Actions |
Journey in Faith |
Values, Virtues and Witness |
What's the Message |
Head, Heart and Hands |
Assignment and project work (individual or group work / oral and written) within class time. Assessment tasks and criteria sheets are handed out in class.
Class work will be completed in class time where possible. Some assessment planning and preparation will need to be completed at home.
How can you support your child in the study of this subject?
- Discuss what we are covering in Religious Education classes at home.
- Be aware of due dates of assignments. All students will receive one piece of assessment each term. Assessment task sheets and criteria sheets are helpful in planning and preparation of assessment so please refer to these when discussing assessment with your child.
- Parents are welcome to attend school liturgies and masses, which are held throughout the year.
Number of Lessons per week: 5
Course Outline:
The Years 7 and 8 English courses are designed to meet the requirements of the Australian Curriculum and are built around the three interrelated strands of language, literature and literacy. Together, the strands focus on developing students' knowledge, understanding and skills in listening, reading, viewing, speaking, writing and creating. The courses provide students with opportunities to engage with a variety of texts. They listen to, read, view, interpret, evaluate and perform a range of spoken, written and multimodal texts in which the primary purpose is aesthetic, as well as to inform and persuade. Students develop their understanding of how texts, including media texts, are influenced by context, purpose and audience.
In assessments students are provided with opportunities to comprehend, create and respond to a range of imaginative, analytical and persuasive texts. Assessments will take the form of:
- extended responses, and/or
- examinations.
All assessment items are fully explained by the classroom teacher and are detailed on the task sheet. All tasks are assessed against common criteria.
Students are expected to complete homework daily to consolidate classroom learning and develop good study habits. It is expected that students engage in:
- Daily reading
- Revision of knowledge, skills and concepts in order to reinforce and consolidate classwork
- Drafting and finalizing assignment tasks.
How can you support your child in the study of this subject?
- Help your child to create regular routines and study habits.
- Ensuring your child has a quiet space free from distractions.
- Encouraging regular reading of a variety of texts. Get out your book and read beside them or read a book together.
- Encourage regular writing to help improve their communication skills, clarity of ideas and words, and critical and creative thinking skills.
- Talk to you child about their texts – ask questions and share opinions.
- Help your child develop independent learning skills.
Number of lessons per week: 5
Course Outline:
Mathematics is an integral part of a general education. The mathematics course is designed to meet the requirements of the Australian Curriculum and to develop student numeracy skills.
Students will be assessed in the following areas:
- Understanding and Fluency
- Problem Solving and Reasoning
Assessment items each semester include:
- Supervised Tests
- Problem Solving and Modelling Tasks (PSMTs)
- Homework is given each lesson. It should range from 10 to 20 minutes of work on average.
- Homework is a reinforcement of class work.
How you can support your child in the study of this subject?
- Ensure that homework is completed.
- Encourage your child to ask for assistance from their teacher when he/she is having difficulty. If you have any concerns, do not hesitate to contact your student’s Mathematics teacher.
- Encourage your child to attend the tutoring sessions available at lunch time and Monday and Wednesday after school from 3:00pm – 4:00pm.
- Be aware of assessment dates and encourage regular revision of work.
- Ensure your child submits complete PSMT drafts on the due date for worthwhile feedback.
Student achievement will be reviewed and monitored after each testing period and adjustments to Mathematics classes may be made if necessary.
Number of Lessons per week: 4
Course Outline:
Each term will include one or more units from the following:
- Biology
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Earth and Space
Year 7
Year 8
The Science toolkit (skills)
Chemical elements, physical and chemical change
Classification and interaction between organisms
Cells and reproduction
Separating mixtures; Earth, Sun, Moon and the Big Bang Theory
Energy; rocks and mineral
Forces and gravity
Assessment – one or more of the following:
- Exams
- Assignments
- Laboratory practical
Homework will consist of:
- Problems and exercises to follow up class work
- Preparation and writing up results for experiments
- Learning definitions and terms from lesson material
- Working on assignments
How can you support your child in the study of this subject?
Ask your child about the units they are studying. Talk to your child about the impact of science in everyday life. Encourage good study habits.