Vocational Education

What is VET?

Vocational Education and Training (VET) refers to education and training that provides students with nationally recognised qualifications that focus on delivering skills and knowledge required for specific industries. Our Year 10, 11 and 12 students have the opportunity to complete qualifications at Certificate I, II and III level, either at school or outside of school (e.g. TAFE). VET also includes school-based apprenticeships and traineeships.

 Benefits of VET

Participating in VET can provide students with:

  • nationally recognised qualifications
  • credit points towards the attainment of the Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE)
  • hands-on work experience in the industry
  • work-ready knowledge and skills
  • support in their transition to employment, vocational and higher education pathways

School-based Apprenticeships and Traineeships

School-based apprenticeships and traineeships (SATs) combine school, training and paid employment to give students in Year 10, 11 and 12 an industry-recognised national qualification and points towards their QCE. Our students are able to complete SATs in a large variety of industry areas, including vet nursing, childcare, automotive, tourism and hospitality, engineering, beauty, hairdressing, retail, electro technology, building and construction, health and many more.

VET Qualifications

Gilroy Santa Maria College offers the following VET qualifications:

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Contact Us

17 Chamberlain Street
Ingham QLD 4850
(07) 4776 2888 admin@gilroysm.catholic.edu.au

22 Jan

We are in week 7 of school holidays
Term 1 starts Tuesday 28 January 2025